Helpful Resources


Surrendering your pet

Surrendering a pet can be a heartbreaking experience. Often times, a pet is relinquished because their owner thinks they don’t have any other options or is unaware of resources that can help them to keep their pet. We are here to help you during this process.

If your pet has a behavioral issue; chewing, barking, digging etc we would be happy to offer advice over the phone or come to your residence and offer training tips and tricks to help both you and your pet stay together.

You can also visit, which lists dog training classes in the Broward county area.

Sometimes we surrender a pet because of owner death, developed allergies or relocation to assisted living communities. At Animal Rescue of South Florida we will do everything we can to help you find a solution to the circumstance. We recommend that before surrendering your pet, try finding a home for your pet. This is less stressful for him or her as they have developed a bond with you. Finding a home yourself gives you the opportunity to personally unite your dog or cat to a new family.

Please call us for more information or ways we can help.

If all efforts fail, and you still need to surrender your pet, we will do our best to accommodate your situation. Please call 954-592-7500

Please understand that we cannot take any dog or cat that is aggressive or has had an aggressive history.

Animal Rescue of South Florida
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